Vizage on BGT2008 オーディション



Narration: ... Look at the married couple think they can do just that.

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Vicky: Hello!
MCs: How are you?
MC2: What are you gonna do for today?
Vicky: Well, vocal illusion act, we're gonna do a quick change act.
MC1: Oh, really? OK.
Vicky: Quick change is raising one question to another. Very fast in front of the very eyes the art illusion.
Narration: Sam and Vicky has worked very hard on their quick change act for years in the pubs and clubs in Blackpool, but this has not let them have much time for family life.
Winning this competition would give them success and the money they need to start the family on their own.
Vicky: Doing like in the variety in pubs and clubs on holiday pups, it's just very hard work.
Sam: We've always wanted the family, something that we are planning for. But we always see it to put it off next year, so if we are to win the list, we could maybe make a family, maybe start the family, you know, which will be nice.

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Narration: So, three judges are in a foul mood, let's hope Sam and Bicky can change the all around.

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Simon: Right, welcome!
Sam: Hello there!
Simon: What's your name, please?
Sam: My name is Sam. And I'm a ?? Called Vizage. And ?? gonna doing a quick change act, we're putting in situation like most ??brokes?? be in and waiting the wife to get change to get on Friday night.??
Simon: OK. Off you go.
Sam: Thanks very much.

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(The act starts.)

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MC1: That was quick!

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(Back stage)
MC2: Nobody can get to change that quickly! Doesn't happen!

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(Back stage)
MC1: How did he do that?

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(Back stage)
MC2: Now, that's a quick change!

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Simon: What's your name?
Bicky: Vicky.
Simon: Vicky. If you have just come out here, without all quick change, and sung that song, you would've lost it in five seconds. You know you're not a good singer. You know.
Piers: It's true!
Simon: It't true! You know you're not good! Your attitude, as it went on, beginning increasing the attitude, um, there's not many people in this country who can do this act. As possibly as well you do, it was cheapened, with the singing.
Sam and Vicky: .....
Simon: I'm right!
Amanda: I think your voice is wrong, but I figure your act was great, I think it was entertainment and I think ??? is great.
Amanda: So, Piers, yes or no?
Piers: Well, it depend on the ??? you continue the singing. If you say to me you're gonna come back and carry on singing, I'm gonna say "no." If you promise not to sing again, I'll put you through.
Vicky: Well, in the past six years we've been doing Vizage vocal illusion act and you're the first people as ever said that to me.
Simon: Can I say something which is gonna sound a little rude but I mean it well? You've got ??no one in six years.??
Vicky: Well, but we've major lived on it for six years
Simon: It's your act, and you shouldn't compromise yourself. So, are you prepared to continue singing or no?
Vicky: Well, I think we've managed for the last six years on our own. And I think we will continue, you know.
Simon: Piers, yes or no?
Piers: It's "no" for me.
Simon: Amanda?

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(Back stage)
MC1: It's "no."

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Amanda: I think you've made the wrong decision. Um, but I think you've got ??both??, so I'm going to say "yes."

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(Back stage)
MC2: "Yes" for Amanda.
MC1: C'mon, Simon!

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Simon: I am going to have to agree with...Amanda.

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Narration: So, finally, Vizage fight their way through to the next round. ??For one judge was not pleased, but can't be said other three??