チャーリー・グリーン on セミファイナル

オーディションでは名曲の"Summer Wind"を歌って、大絶賛された。





サイモン:チャーリーはオーディションで、僕の大のお気に入りの曲"Summer Wind"をを歌ったんだけど、今日の曲と"Summer Wind"のような曲を比べることはできないよ。いい歌手は、すばらしい曲を選ばなければいけない。チャーリーが曲の選択にかかわったかどうか知らないけど、僕は彼を応援しているから、知っていてほしい。

MC1: It's singer, Charlie Green!

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Amanda: What's your name?
Charlie: Charlie Green.
Amanda: Charlie Green!

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MC2: What a star!

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Simon: You were fantastic!

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Amanda: You could win the show!

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Simon: You made it through to the semi-finals.

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Charlie: It's so exciting I'm in semi-finals. 'Cause I've been singing since I was three, and that's why I wanted to do from my early age.

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Amanda: Charlie Green. I can see the lights on him. He's got a major talent and he's ten.

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Charlie: Tonight I'm gonna be singing my own song, it's been written for me by a friend of my dad's.

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Simon: I'm nervous as to what he's gonna sing tonight. I just hope he stays doing what we love for him doing.

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Charlie: I'm going to take huge risks. In my first audition, the judges loved my swing song. Tonight I'm singing something different. If they don't like it, ?? A judge will know what happen?? 'cause I really really don't want to go home.

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MC2: Ladies and gentlemen, give him a big hand! It's Charlie Green!

(Charlie starts singing.)
"Music, singing, just what I swinging, these are my favorite thing. ...."
"All I wanna do is singing!"

        • -

MC2: Good work!
MC1: Well done!
MC1: I love that beat box in there! What a standing ovation from the audience. Did you enjoy it, Charlie?
Charlie: Yeah, it was brilliant. I really love it!
MC2: That's an original song of yours you sang, right? You've been nervous about doing new material?
Charlie: Yeah, I was that, but ??if I went on , put it off so,?? I really hope that the judges did.
MC2: OK, then we'll find out. Let's go find out the judges thought. Piers?
Piers: Charlie, you are natural ???, OK? Didn't against it, you're incredibly confident for your age on the stage, you're a great singer, everything about you says you're a young star. I've got to be honest with you. I thought you took a big gamble tonight, with that kind style. I'm not sure it's quite what we thought we wanted, and I'm not, well, I'm not entirely sure that I liked it that much.
Piers: Right? But I do like you. I think you are a little star. I wasn't sure about that song. OK?
Charlie: OK.
Amanda: Um, I have to say, I think you are absolutely delicious, you've got a face that I'm for, and such a pro, and you have a wonderful, wonderful voice, but I completely agree with Piers. There's something wrong. It just..it's just, it didn't feel like you, it didn't feel right.
Simon: Um, I tell what the problem was, Charlie. You are, I think, one of my favorite auditions. And I think you've got real, real potential. The problem was...with the song. The song was terrible. I mean it, it was, it really was. It was.. I would never give a singer like you a song like that. Who wrote the song?
Charlie: Um, a man called XXXX.
Simon: Who's XXXX?
Charlie: Well, he's a friend of my dad and..
Audience: Oh.
Simon: All right.

          • -

MC1: Simon, Simon, can I ask you just, just out of interest, what kind of stuff would you want him to sing?
Simon: Well, you know, he sang one of my favorite songs of all time, which was "Summer Wind," and you can't compare that song to the song like "Summer Wind." Every good singer has to have a great song. I don't think you even involved in the process, but I would say to you, 'cause I like you so much.
Amanda: Yes.
Simon: ..that if you made it through to the finals, although I do think you've been handicapped, you've got to go back to singing great songs. 'Cause that's just you are great, you're ten, the songs are too. And I don't think it's fair on you. I really, really don't.
Amanda: I'm absolutely agree. You've got to have a good song standard.
MC2: So, you loved Charlie, not the song?
Simon: I think you're terrific. And it really upsets me when something like this happens because I wanna see you in the finals.
MC2: OK. Audience see ???? Audience wants to see you in the finals. Of course, it's up to you! If you want see Charlie in the finals this Saturday night, the number to call is 09011 32 22 05. But lines don't open after the last act as performed tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, give him a big hand, Charlie Green!!