
「(セミ・ファイナル等に)通過する」を、"make it through"というのね。
タイトル:George Sampson: BGT semi-final place announced

Narration: After the weeks of audition, Simon, Piers, and Amanda, now have the dorman ?? task of cutting ax down from one-hundred and seventy-seven to just forty. Those chosen actors then will go head to head in the large semi-finals, competing for one prize. ??Thrust??, on this year's royal variety of performances.

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Simon: We have got, a hundred and seventy-seven acts, and...we've got to get down to forty.
Amanda: Yeah.
Piers: So, this is gonna be tough!
Amanda: Yeah.

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Narration: Meanwhile, all the actors most wait until the judges had made their all important decisions and the mood is tense to ???see the ???

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(Video of the first audition)
George: I really feel very nervous, I am really scared, because it's while I was last year.

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(Last year's video)
Piers: Unfortunately, you weren't quite good enough.

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George: And that's maybe what I ??? I'm twice as nervous as I lost last year....

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Simon: So, we can only put through the people, who could win to for all this final stage. It's probably ??over??, particularly for you, because this is the second time. I'm gonna give you the news, because we've made a decision. You made it through!

Contestants: Yes!!

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MC1: Second-time luck, huh?

George: That was the best thing, the luckiest thing...