Charlie Green on BGT 2008の書き取り

"Summer Wind"を歌う。(往年の名曲?)

Narration: So, how will be next contestant called? Three judges are in very bad moods. It's a little pressure. On the little ??, ten years little Charlie.

MC1: Hello, sir!
Charlie: Hello!
MC1: How are you?
Charlie: Fine, thank you.
MC1: Nice to meet you!
Charlie: My name is Charlie Green. I'm ten years old and I'm from ??Joiybitch??.
MC1: And what do you do for today, Charlie.
Charlie: Singing.
MC1: You're singing?
MC2: How long have you been singing for?
Charlie: Since about three years old...
MC2: Since you were three years old. How old are you now?
Charlie: I'm ten.
MC2: Is that what you wanna do when you get older, being a professional singer?
Charlie: Yes.
MC1: Is that your dream?
Charlie: I've always been daydreaming like singing with audiences, big audiences, and massive band behind me.
MC2: And what that mean to you to win this?
Charlie: Every good things, in the world. Every word in the dictionary.
MC1 and MC2: Haha. Every good word in the dictionary? It means to win the Britain's got talent?
MC2: That's the best responses we've ever had today. That's a good one!
Narration: So, let's see little Charlie ??? super star at just around the corner.

        • -

MC1: Ready?

Charlie: It means to ??learn to me??. If I could do ?? pass the stage I'll absolutely love it!
Amanda: Hello!
Charlie: Hello!
Amanda: What's your name?
Charlie: Charlie Green.
Amanda: Charlie Green! And have you come to sing today?
Charlie: Yes I have.
Amanda: OK. And what are you gonna sing for today?
Charlie: "Summer Wind."
Simon: Love that song!
Amanda: Oh, that's a great start!

        • -

MC1: So with mum and dad are waiting anxiously in the wings, it's show time for the Charlie!

        • -

(Charlie sings "Summer Wind.")

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MC1: What a star!
MC2: Star's born!

        • -

Piers: With that brilliant singing, it's the dancing, I loved it all those, you know, the little moves. You've got all, Charlie!
Charlie: Thank you!
Amanda: Charlie Green..
(Charlie, Charlie, Charlie..)
Amanda: I'm say here you know, I predict you could win this show!
Simon: Charlie, you were fantastic!
Charlie: Thank you!
Simon: Um, it really came over to me that you really love this kind of music, don't you?
Charlie: Yes.
Simon: Yeah, yeah. And I felt that loud and click. Charlie, I think you're a little star!
Charlie: Thank you!
Simon: I really, really like you!... However, Charlie, there's still important part. Piers, yes or no?
Piers: Absolutely yes.
Charlie: Thank you, Piers.
Simon: Amanda?
Amanda: Yes.
Simon: Charlie, three answers!

        • -

MC1: Charlie Green!
MC2: Charlie!
MC2: What do you think of the judges' comments?
Charlie: They're really good! I never??
MC2: Really?

        • -

Simon: I genuinely was not expecting to find someone like that. I thought Birmingham was going to the disaster. It's all changed. I, I , I'm absolutely thrilled. I'm thrilled.